Concerns Of A Journalist – Why does European Press Agency plan to give a permanent “platform” to NGOs, foundations and charitable or public utility associations?

Why does European Press Agency plan to give a permanent “platform” to NGOs, foundations and charitable or public utility associations?European Press Agency is a news agency that voluntarily decides to give 70% of its turnover to World Press Centerers instead of just paying them a fixed freelance regardless of the number of media that buy … 阅读更多 Concerns Of A Journalist – Why does European Press Agency plan to give a permanent “platform” to NGOs, foundations and charitable or public utility associations?

分类目录 FAQ

Concerns Of A Journalist – What do I need to broadcast an event? What equipment, special skills?

What do I need to broadcast an event? What equipment, special skills?At a minimum, a smartphone is required. If possible, a recent generation (less than 3 years) supporting the mobile application World Press Center (and at short-term “Larix”). A tripod is also essential to ensure a stable video. Light equipment is available everywhere for a … 阅读更多 Concerns Of A Journalist – What do I need to broadcast an event? What equipment, special skills?

分类目录 FAQ

Concerns Of A Journalist – Are live broadcasts translated in real time?

Are live broadcasts translated in real time?Barring an exceptional major event, the videos are broadcast live in their original language. However, after a few minutes, they are available in VOD, subtitled in 12 languages. As for editorial articles, they are translated as soon as they are made available on World Press Center. Is the translation … 阅读更多 Concerns Of A Journalist – Are live broadcasts translated in real time?

分类目录 FAQ

Concerns Of A Journalist – Are World Press Centerers’ items or other productions sold exclusively?

Are World Press Centerers’ items or other productions sold exclusively?No. While the media have, of course, the ability to order exclusive articles or reports billed as such (at market rate), most of the production of World Press Centerers available on World Press Center is sold without exclusivity and, therefore, at a much lower price than … 阅读更多 Concerns Of A Journalist – Are World Press Centerers’ items or other productions sold exclusively?

分类目录 FAQ

Concerns Of A Journalist – Is the journalist who broadcasts a live event paid?

Is the journalist who broadcasts a live event paid?No. He/she broadcasts on a “brotherly” basis (free of charge) to his distant colleagues. On the other hand, it is very likely that among the spectators of each event — live or delayed — there are colleagues who need these images to support the article or the … 阅读更多 Concerns Of A Journalist – Is the journalist who broadcasts a live event paid?

分类目录 FAQ

Concerns Of A Journalist – I want to plan an event. Do I have to retransmit it? How to do that?

I want to plan an event. Do I have to retransmit it? How to do that?No. Are you aware of an event that you find interesting, but you won’t be able to cover it? There is nothing stopping you from planning it on World Press Center so that a colleague who was unaware of its … 阅读更多 Concerns Of A Journalist – I want to plan an event. Do I have to retransmit it? How to do that?

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Concerns Of A Journalist – I am a journalist and I put a report that I made on World Press Center. Who can see it? How is it protected from plagiarism?

I am a journalist and I put a report that I made on World Press Center. Who can see it? How is it protected from plagiarism? Only editors whose interests correspond to the profile of your report will be able to watch it and buy it… Or not. On the other hand, if it turns … 阅读更多 Concerns Of A Journalist – I am a journalist and I put a report that I made on World Press Center. Who can see it? How is it protected from plagiarism?

分类目录 FAQ

Concerns Of A Journalist – Remote World Press Centerers can ask questions during a live broadcast. How to do that?

Remote World Press Centerers can ask questions during a live broadcast. How to do that? There are 2 cases, but the World Press Centerer who will broadcast the event should ideally be equipped with a smartphone and a tablet both connected to the internet (3G or 4G). If he owns just a smartphone, he can … 阅读更多 Concerns Of A Journalist – Remote World Press Centerers can ask questions during a live broadcast. How to do that?

分类目录 FAQ

World Press Center, What’s The Benefit For Editors In Chief?

I am an editor-in-chief of an editorial, why subscribe to World Press Center? By registering as a journalist, because before you are “editor-in-chief”, you hold a professional journalist’s press card, you have the opportunity to follow from your office or your smartphone, all the news that concerns you, your troops and your audience… By specifying, … 阅读更多 World Press Center, What’s The Benefit For Editors In Chief?

分类目录 FAQ

Concerns Of A Journalist – What benefit for a provincial journalist to broadcast a local event?

What benefit for a provincial journalist to broadcast a local event? No media, whether local, national or international, has the capacity to cover all the events that concern its audience and this is also true for journalists who cannot be everywhere at once, notwithstanding the fact that getting around is not an option for everyone. … 阅读更多 Concerns Of A Journalist – What benefit for a provincial journalist to broadcast a local event?

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