Mobile Reporting and Journalism

Mobile reporting is defined as creating a report with a mobile.
The majority of the news content is citizens generated.

Whenever an incident happens, citizens capture it live and send it to reporters, police or discuss it on social media.

Social media i.e. twitter, Facebook are the most common and biggest way of
spreading any information or scene. Before the advent of these platforms,
Only news and radio stations were the fundamental source of event reporting.

Nowadays, more content related to any event can be found on net instead of TV channels and radio stations.

Mobile Technology has changed broadcast journalism rapidly. Great research has been done in order to receive perspectives about the technological
progress through cellular phones and internet messaging, and the expected
trends in near future.

The use of digital assets including mobiles and Social Networking platforms have blossomed to a gigantic scale, producing better and finer stories.

Communication means and devices are constantly changing, from the printing
Press to radio or television, to Internet, to the mobile and even more to come.

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