Concerns Of A Journalist – What benefit for a provincial journalist to broadcast a local event?

What benefit for a provincial journalist to broadcast a local event?

No media, whether local, national or international, has the capacity to cover all the events that concern its audience and this is also true for journalists who cannot be everywhere at once, notwithstanding the fact that getting around is not an option for everyone.

Also, by broadcasting a local event, you offer local, regional, national or even international media —through the translation of your video or your report — access to an information that they would not otherwise have, either for human (no staff available) or budgetary reasons (no means or time to send someone or buy the information from a traditional news agency).

What are the likely topics of interest to be broadcasted live or to be presented to editors in chief?

ALL topics are interesting. Whatever the topic, other local, regional or global World Press Centerers follow this sector.

Hence the importance of both filling out properly your registration form by specifying all your interests to be notified of related events, and adequately “profiling” the event you will broadcast or present on World Press Center, so that all colleagues and editors concerned are notified and have the opportunity to attend remotely, live or offline. , or simply be aware of it and … buy it.

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